We need to practice lots because Tony will be starting a chess league shortly!
Here is what we learned today:
The pawn moves straight ahead but captures diagonally.
If the pawn makes it to the 8th rank, it is promoted.
Knights can jump other pieces, either opponents or its own side.
Pieces are referred to depending on whether they are on the side of the King or Queen, so we talk about the King's bishop or the Queen's bishop.
Tony advised not to bring out the Queen too early in the game, keep her safe because she is very important!
The King is priceless.When he is checked (cannot avoid capture), the game is over. He can move in any direction, 1 square at a time.
Another very important thing to remember is that once you touch a piece, you have to move it, so think carefully before you move!
The weakest squares on the board are F2 (white), and F7 (black).
"Scholars Mate" is a series of moves that can win or lose you the game in just a few moves!
Have a look at this website to learn the moves so you can beat your friends and family!
If I have forgetten anything from the lesson, please tell me.
Get out those chess boards and start playing!